Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Rice Bag

Just pop this rice bag in the microwave for 1-2 minutes to heat it up and then put it on those aching, sore muscles. It feels amazing. I absolutely luv mine and use it all the time, especially during that time of the month. Just follow this five minute video tutorial I created on how to make a rice bag. It's simple and inexpensive to make. Enjoy! I know you'll love it just as much as I do.

Sorry but I forgot to get a picture before I gave the rice bag away, so I found a variation of a rice bag on Etsy by Lil Bo & Co. As you watch the video you will notice my version is a square and doesn't have the one cut off corner.

Cost: $5
Time: 10-20 minutes
-  1/4 yard flannel fabric
-  Matching thread
-  2 lb. bag of rice

Friday, December 17, 2010

Burlap Table Runner

Here is a great rustic table runner you can make for the holidays. It's easy and inexpensive.

Cost: $5
Time: 2-3hrs
Stencil Brush
  • Burlap
  • Fabric paint
  • Stencil Brush
  • Card stock
  • x-acto knife

Whenever I do a project I am always inspired by things I find in stores or on the internet. For this project I came across two photos that gave me the idea to create a table runner for thanksgiving. You will need to measure your table adding 8 - 12inches on each end. You do this so that the ends of the runner will hang off the table. Mine turned out a little short because I forgot to account for the table leaf; don't make the same mistake.
  1. Cut out fabric according to your measurements, sewing together pieces if you need to.{The width of my table runner was 15 inches. Add an 1/2 inch on each side. You will be turning under fabric to create a finished edge. The total should be 16 inches when you cut out the table runner.}
  2. Fold fabric in half, hot-dog style, placing right sides together.

   5.  Fold under raw edges ¼ inch; press.
   6.  Then fold over edge another ¼ inch; press.
   7.  Sew all around table runner at lining edge with foot.

How to embellishment the table runner is up to you. For my table runner I wanted it to say Thanksgiving. You can have it say something else or create designs. You just have to make them into a stencil first. Here is a great video on creating stencils. 
1.      On your computer decide on a font that you like best. For mine I used Georgia, 675pt. Then decide on a size, making sure your word will fit onto the table runner.
2.      Print each letter out on a separate piece of card stock.
3.      With an x-acto knife cut out the letters.
4.   Place where you would like the letters on the table  runner. Space each letter 1/4" apart.
5.      With a dry brush, dip it in the desired paint color and stencil in the letters. When you stencil you don’t do brush strokes, instead you dab the brush against the surface. Watch this video

Table Runner Ideas

Here are cute table runner ideas I found off Etsy. Most of them use burlap and are embellished with textures, embroidery, paint and other fabric. Burlap is a cheap fabric that can be dyed and embellished, making any table look amazing.

Moufelt, annajoyce, DreamsMadeEasy, BJelvgren, HenryandZoeStudio, Jadewink, Kainkain, SewnByDCC, ElkhornDesign, ArtoftheSalior, Kainkain